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  3. Neurovascular

Neurovascular Device Design and Development

With life expectancy increasing worldwide, there is a corresponding increase in demand for innovative solutions to treat diseases and disorders common in older populations.

Neurovascular disorders, such as ischemic stroke and cerebral aneurysm, can be devastating to quality of life or even fatal. Neurovascular medical devices can be used to treat these disorders, such as:

  • Delivery of embolic coils and flow diversion stents to prevent aneurysm rupture and reduce patient risk
  • Destruction or removal of cerebral blood clots using a neurothrombectomy device

The brain poses multiple challenges, the largest being its complex vasculature and the precision required to avoid patient trauma. Our expert team is prepared to help you address these challenges and innovate to bring better neurovascular devices to market.

Neurovascular Solutions

Whether you have a napkin sketch or fully formulated specifications, our experts can craft a tailored, comprehensive plan to bring your neurovascular devices to market sooner. Explore our wide range of neurovascular solutions below.