
Delicate pacing, defibrillation, and neurological procedures require pin-point precision. Medical professionals need to know that the stylet they have chosen will fulfill its vital purpose: to deliver the implantable leads safely and reliably. Every time.

Leading medical device companies entrust their stylet production to Heraeus Medevio because of the consistency and unmatched quality they depend on. Heraeus Medevio is the industry’s trusted market leader of CRM and neuromodulation stylets.

With unmatched industry expertise, Heraeus Medevio is uniquely qualified to deliver the most cost-effective stylets and solutions for customers around the world. We combine our unparalleled experience in materials science, engineering, precision manufacturing, and global supply chain management to produce stylets that set the industry standard for quality, performance, and reliability. From design to molding to wire forming to delivery, Heraeus Medevio stylets will always meet your requirements for performance, quality, and value.

Heraeus Medevio has sites around the world to serve your needs. Our unique automated manufacturing processes provide the capacity to meet low-volume and high-volume demands. We offer full assembly of bulk stylets and stylets provided in hoops or rings, based on your specific needs and configuration.
